It is a scientific blend of pitch free bitumen, synthetic resins, selected minerals and fillers.
It is a protective and waterproof coating.
It is a high performance coating that dries to elastic, impermeable waterproof membrane.
Easy and direct (cold applied) application, no preheating required.
Seamless, no joint.
Provides an impervious waterproofing membrane that protects concrete structure and brick foundations against chloride and sulphate ions present in soils and water.
Corrosion resistant and vapor barrier.
Surface Preparation:
The application surface must be clean and free from dust grease and loose particles.
Surface may be damp but not saturated.
Apply one coat of Eniroof Black Primer, diluting 1kg Eniroof Black with 1lt water, on well-prepared surface.
Eniroof Black should be stirred well before use.
It is recommended that 1 - 2 coats should be applied depending upon the degree of protection required after the primer coat.